Kitchen Run

At the Kitchen Run you can meet new people, look into other people's cooking pots and fill your stomach with a 3-course meal for the whole evening. It's like a dinner with changing company, where you "run" from kitchen to kitchen. Some may also know the concept of the event under the name “Running Dinner”.

The mission: You prepare either a starter, a main course or a dessert together with a friend. What each team is allowed to cook, along with the dates and locations for all courses, is emailed to them a few days before the event.

Kitchen Run


How Does It Work?


Begin your journey by registering for the event via our registration form at the bottom of the page.

Course Assignment:

Once registered, participants are randomly assigned a course they will prepare: appetizer, main course, or dessert.

Discover Kitchens:

Along with your course assignment, you'll be given two other kitchen locations. These are places where you'll be tasting the other two courses.

Event Timings:

Appetizer: 19:00 to 20:00

Main Course: 20:30 to 21:30

Dessert: 22:00 to 23:00


The Kitchen run:

Example:  If you're assigned the main course, for instance, you'll start your evening at the appetizer kitchen. Here, you'll meet two other groups. One group will serve you the appetizer they've prepared, while the other group is there just like you, to enjoy the dish.

After the appetizer, you'll head to your assigned kitchen to prepare and serve your main course. Two new groups will join you here, eager to taste your creation.

Finally, you'll move to the dessert kitchen. Here, you'll again meet two groups, and together, you'll indulge in the sweet treats prepared by one of the groups.


 Throughout the evening, you'll have the opportunity to meet six diverse groups, making twelve new acquaintances. It's a chance to bond over shared culinary passions and perhaps even pick up a new recipe or two!

Time Management:

Participants are encouraged to prep in advance to ensure they stick to the event's timeline. After all, the essence of the Kitchen Run is not just in the cooking, but also in the timely sharing and enjoying of each dish.

Join Us!

Are you ready to embark on this culinary marathon? Whether you're a seasoned chef or someone who just loves to eat, the Kitchen Run promises an evening of fun, food, and friendship. See you on November 2nd!


Register Here

* Wenn ihr euch allein anmeldet, heißt das nicht, dass wir euch automatisch einen Partner suchen. Sollte sich allerdings noch jemand allein anmelden, dann werden wir euch natürlich vorschlagen, euch zusammen zu tun.
